Survey Results

Subject: Survey Results
From: Kamal Eljabaly and Martha Lee <lnxs685c -at- LYNXUS -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 22:59:19 -0400

Hi All!
This is Martha Lee, the student that posted the survey for tech writers about a week ago. Thanks to everyone who responded. I receive 29 responses from the members of this list serve and two responses from tech writers in the Research Triangle Park (Raleigh-Durham, N.C.). One of the respondents asked if I could post the results. I'll give you a quick summary, although I wish I could include some of your comments; they were wonderful. Here goes:
1. How long have you been a technical writer?
 The average was 7 years. The range was 2 months to 25 years.
2.Are you a contract worker or do you work for a company? If you work for a company, what type  of company is it?
Only four of you were contract writers. Of the 27 who worked for companies, 16 worked at software companies(~59%).
3.How often do you work with subject matter experts?
Sixteen of you (52%) said that you work with SMEs on a daily basis. Others gave general responses like frequently, often, 2 or 3 times a week, etc.
4.What aspects do you like about working with SMEs?
You guys revealed yourselves to be a curious (inquisitive, not strange) bunch. Learning new technologies and new products was mentioned 17 times. You also mentioned that you found the SMEs interesting and that you like interacting with people. Some of you were not as enthusiastic, and only mentioned that you like interacting with SMEs because they have the information you need and can ensure that your documentation was technically accurate.
5. What aspects do you dislike?
You mentioned that they don't give enough time or meet deadlines, don't give respect, don't have communication skills, and don't understand the importance of the documention process.
Three of you had no complaints.
6.In your opinion what is the role of tech writer's role when interacting with SMEs?
Answers included: to get information, to learn, to be prepared, to ask questions, to listen, to be an interviewer, to be the link between the company and the customer.
7. What can the  SME do to make the process easier?
Make time. Understand the importance of the documentation process. Respect the tech writer's role. Be more open to interaction. Realize the importance of teamwork. Keep in mind that not everyone is an SME. Learn communication skills.

 I didn't include a lot of details because I know you all are busy. I want to thank you again for giving me a better picture of what it's like to be a tech writer. I presented my survey to my class tonight and they enjoyed hearing your comments. My professor, Brad Mehlenbacher, intends for us to write these presentations up and submit it as a journal article or a proceedings paper. If it's published, I'll let you know. I plan to include more detail in the article, but no names; don't worry.
     By the way, in my presentation I compared my survey to a survey done by Debbie Walkowski in 1991, in which she asked the SMEs how they felt about working with tech writers. If you want to know what the other side thinks, look for it in Technical Communication, the STC publication, in the 1991 first quarter edition.
Martha Lee

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