Re: WebHelp

Subject: Re: WebHelp
From: "Weisner Associates Inc." <info -at- WEISNER -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 09:40:20 -0500


There is quite a bit of information about WebHelp on True, there are some problems with the Netscape virtual machine that affects WebHelp. Also true that there should have been more than one service release for WebHelp since it's been released. If you can describe the specific problems you are having, I might be able to help you. Feel free to reply oflline.

Ben Weisner
Weisner Associates Inc.

Online Information Consulting and Training Services

The Truth is Out There!

At 08:09 AM 4/19/99 , Moore, Tracey wrote:
>Does anyone out there have any experience with WebHelp (Blue-Sky's
>solution to cross-browser, cross-platform help)?
>I've been working with this and it's been miserable. Works great in
>Internet Explorer, but in two different versions of Netscape, it
>crashes. Then I tested it on a Mac, and it wouldn't work in either
>browser. Then who knows about the other browsers out there, as I haven't
>gotten to the point of testing them!
>Blue-Sky sent me a long list of things to do, none of which worked. They
>claim that WebHelp was tested on an older version of Netscape and that
>the newer versions have a different Java engine that causes problems.
>Wouldn't that warrant a service release of WebHelp?
>Has anyone else experience such difficulty? Any thoughts or advice you
>could share? I'm very close to giving up WebHelp and going to plain ole
>Thanks for listening.
>From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000==

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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