Naming Conventions and Trademarks

Subject: Naming Conventions and Trademarks
From: "Beard, Samuel" <Samuel -dot- Beard -at- GSC -dot- GTE -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 07:05:18 -0700

Hello All,

For those not aware, Writer's Digest magazine has an article every month
dealing with trademark issues and discusses things such as losing one's

A blanket statement up front stating that all products names are the
property of such and such company and shall not be used blah blah blah
usually covers things, I believe. Still, I would include the full name,
including the trademark symbol, the first time I used the name and establish
some sort of acronym or reference then for use in later instances. Also, as
mentioned by someone else, if the material will be used in an online system,
then it should probably be repeated at least once in each chapter or
separate online file.

Hope this helps.

Sam Beard
Technical Writer
GSC, GTE (soon to be Bell Atlantic-GTE, soon to be something else

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