Re: FWD: Road blocks in negotiating raise

Subject: Re: FWD: Road blocks in negotiating raise
From: jbruce -at- CYBERLOG -dot- NET
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 11:40:50 -0500

OK, I'll try this again. I accidentally hit reply instead of sending this
to the list.

---------------------- Forwarded by Julie C Bruce/cyberlog on 04/20/99
11:41 AM ---------------------------

(Embedded Julie C Bruce
image moved 04/20/99 11:23 AM
to file: (Embedded image moved to file: pic09945.pcx)

To: Anonymous User <anonfwd -at- RAYCOMM -dot- COM>
Subject: Re: FWD: Road blocks in negotiating raise (Document link not

My questions:
Am I so out of line in my salary requirements given my
education and experience?

How might I handle the issue of the person with a
Masters who is only asking $31,000?

No, you are not out of line. You might enquire as to why they gave the job
to you over a person with their master's degree (especially one that would
work so cheap). Surely, you have more value to them. I have a hard time
believing that someone with a masters degree would ask for so little. Why
did the degreed person ask for that? Do they have any real life
experience? Do they just have book smarts???

Personally, I think that whoever told you about the degreed professional
was giving you a snowball job.

Julie Bruce

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