Re: Word98 (Mac) Linking Files

Subject: Re: Word98 (Mac) Linking Files
From: "David M. Brown" <dmbrown -at- BROWN-INC -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 09:09:58 -0700

David Dick wrote:
> Word 5.1 (Mac) had a feature that allowed files to be linked to form
> a 'master file' useful for creating a table of contents and index.
> I cannot find the same or similar feature in Word98.
> Can anyone explain how I may use Word98 to link the files, where the
> menu command is located in Word98, or suggestions for a work around.

I can't get to Word 98 just now, but in Word 97 (and earlier versions)
you use the "RD" field to "include" documents. On the Insert menu,
choose the Field command; select All on the list, and scroll down the
list on the right to find RD.

Here's a snippet from the Word 97 help file:

The following fields inserted into one document create a table of
contents that includes entries from the three referenced documents:

{ TOC }
{ RD C:\\Manual\\Chapters\\Chapter1.doc }
{ RD C:\\Manual\\Chapters\\Chapter2.doc }
{ RD C:\\Manual\\Chapters\\Chapter3.doc }

For more information, look for "RD (Referenced Document) field" in the
Word 97 help index.


David M. Brown - Brown Inc.
dmbrown -at- brown-inc -dot- com

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