WP (yup)

Subject: WP (yup)
From: Melissa Morgan <mmorgan -at- CDG-HARGRAY -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 14:46:52 -0500

Yes we use WordPerfect, but not really by choice. It was
decided some time ago that we would use WP in the tech
writing department because it was what most people in the
company knew how to use (I like the analogy my co-worker
made, that programmers like WP because the reveal codes
function makes them feel like they can control the program).

Anyway, we offered WP training for those who did not know
it, and we could use the network to retrieve the process notes
from programming. However, it seems that WP likes to leave
sticky codes in the documents, which makes it difficult to get
a clean conversion to other applications (we ended up just
saving the WP files as ASCII, then applied formatting in the
new application. We've just moved from Novell to NT, and
now they've decided to primarily use Word, and eliminate WP.
Fine by me, but now I realize I'm one of the few people in
the company who has a good grasp on Word, and I'll probably
have to answer a lot of phone calls from people wanting to
know how to do things like tables in Word. Yipee!


The opinions expressed here are mine, and not my employer's.

"Mark my words..." said the SME to the tech writer.

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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