
Subject: Arrogance
From: Robert Maxey <Bob_Maxey -at- MTN -dot- 3COM -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 16:35:28 -0600

> I am wondering if anyone can tell me the current state of the
> between writers and the esteemed wizards, engineers, in industry. I ask
> I work with a smart young woman, graduating soon with a degree in
> Engineering. Yesterday she ranted on Tech Writers as "useless, overpaid,
> not altogether capable" of understanding what she and her peers do.

Hey... get her a subscription to this list... We will straighten her out
right proper. I ain't got no big, old fancy dancey degree, or nuttin like
that thar, but I dun learned stuff right proper; Lordy, Lordy, you bet I

Seriously, let me let her in on a big secret. I know a few senior engineers
that are overpaid and often quite useless, and believe that new computer
engineering graduates are also over paid and useless.


From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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