FW: question

Subject: FW: question
From: "Moore, Tracey" <TMoore -at- PARKERVISION -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 10:40:43 -0400

I don't know alot about security, but I imagine this is talking about
when a server is FrontPage enabled, right? Well, you can create web
pages in FrontPage that don't require the FrontPage Server Extensions.
HTML is HTML, and if you know your HTML, you can avoid the "special"
little things that FrontPage has that require the extensions. For
example, I don't use the stuff like WebBots, FrontPage counters and
search functions, hover buttons, and I don't upload with FrontPage.
(With fancy stuff I like to get out my code books and write them
myself--I feel more in control that way. And FrontPage doesn't stop you
from doing that.)

Is there an issue with FrontPage security that I'm missing? And what is
it that causes the glitches on Sun servers?

(And please, no flames. I'm not advocating FrontPage, it's just the
program we happen to have. Just want to make sure I'm clear on all of
the issues.)

>>>the anti-frontpage folks claim frontpage isnt secure and that it has
>>>glitches when used with sun servers the back end.

From ??? -at- ??? Sun Jan 00 00:00:00 0000=

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