Re: Translation to HTML

Subject: Re: Translation to HTML
From: "Brierley, Sean" <Brierley -at- QUODATA -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 15:48:35 -0400


What do you mean by "really accurate HTML"? Are you asking whether any
package supports the pure HTML standard, whatever version we are on?

I expect that most products flavor HTML to support Microsoft IE. This would
certainly be true of MS Word.

I expect that, after I convert from a DTP or word processing format to HTML,
I am going to do a lot of editing, either with Notepad.exe or a web
authoring tool.

I expect to spend considerable time during the editing process checking my
HTML in several circumstances: IE4, 5, Nav 4.5, 3.02, AOL's latest, and
Opera's latest. I have no doubt that what I see in those circumstances will
cause me a tonne of work and re-work.

I do not expect it to be easy to create a well-designed and executed HTML
document or site. I understand that HTML coding is easy, many of us have
been doing it in SGML, Ventura tag codes, MIF, WordPerfect, etc., for years.
I find that experience, education, design ability, understanding of the
process, tools, and needs of the end-user will all complicate the process of
just converting or just tagging ASCII text.

All the best.

sean -at- quodata -dot- com

"HTML? Any high-schooler can do that." <vbg>

>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Elna Tymes [mailto:etymes -at- LTS -dot- COM]
>>>Sent: Thursday, April 29, 1999 3:31 PM
>>>To: TECHWR-L -at- LISTSERV -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU
>>>Subject: Translation to HTML
>>>A more general question about HTML:
>>>Is there any package around that translates from something
>>>into really
>>>accurate HTML? I've been burned enough by Frame to know not
>>>to use the
>>>"Save As HTML" feature. I've now heard that Word's Save As
>>>HTML doesn't
>>>produce accurate HTML either. And I've heard that even going into
>>>Netscape's edit mode and editing an existing HTML page tends
>>>to produce
>>>slightly messed up HTML too. I don't have parallel
>>>experience with IE4.
>>>Can you trust anything to do a really accurate translation?
>>>Or are you
>>>better off creating your text in one of the HTML creation packages?
>>>Elna Tymes
>>>Los Trancos Systems

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