Re: transferring a website

Subject: Re: transferring a website
From: "Huber, Mike" <mrhuber -at- SOFTWARE -dot- ROCKWELL -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 11:36:49 -0400

> From: Tracy Boyington [mailto:tracy_boyington -at- OKVOTECH -dot- ORG]
> In fact, there may be problems with *any*
> editor that includes extensive file organization/management functions,
> though I haven't had experience with anything other than FP, so that's
> just wild speculation on my part.
> And don't ask me why the entrants didn't test their disks
> before turning
> them in, because I'm wondering that myself. :-/

They probably did. Sounds like the links were absolute, instead of relative.
And when they tested the disks on their own systems, the
<img src="e:\graphics\mypic.gif"> link slurped that picture right off the
hard disk, and everything looked fine.

Always test web stuff on another machine. I often look up the web sites
I maintain at work from my home computer, to make sure they work.

mike -dot- huber -at- software -dot- rockwell -dot- com
nax -at- execpc -dot- com

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