Re: transferring a website

Subject: Re: transferring a website
From: Tracy Boyington <tracy_boyington -at- OKVOTECH -dot- ORG>
Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1999 10:28:30 -0500

> Has anyone transferred a website onto CD?

A word of warning if your site was created in FrontPage (Please note:
this is not a slam on FrontPage or anyone who uses it. This is merely a
personal observation.)

I recently judged a web page competition where the entries were provided
on diskette. A few sites just did not work -- applets didn't run, links
went nowhere, buttons were missing. Every site that didn't work was
created in FrontPage. I was able to view those sites live, and most (but
not all) things that didn't work on disk *did* work live. So there may
be some problems when moving a FrontPage "web" to a disk, even one that
behaves perfectly online. In fact, there may be problems with *any*
editor that includes extensive file organization/management functions,
though I haven't had experience with anything other than FP, so that's
just wild speculation on my part.

And don't ask me why the entrants didn't test their disks before turning
them in, because I'm wondering that myself. :-/

Tracy Boyington mailto:tracy_boyington -at- okvotech -dot- org
Oklahoma Dept. of Vocational & Technical Education
Curriculum & Instructional Materials Center
Stillwater, Oklahoma

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