Re: Need opinions - Work from home/security issues.
Title: RE: Need opinions - Work from home/security issues.I agree with Sean's msg, but for different reasons.
Some companies are quite strict about security and confidentiality with their projects. Your company might have had to agree to certain policies and procedures regarding security and confidentiality, up to providing a secure and access-restricted space for project work. To violate those agreements might jeapordize the contract.
I'm for real. While I was employed at one job-shop in the office (rather than on-site at the client), one Big Blue project required that we follow a 'clean desk' policy, keep all project hardcopy materials in a locked cabinet inside of a secure room, work on that project only in that secure room, behind locked doors (I think). Staff not involved with the project were not allowed in that room.
'Course, that only lasted while client representatives were in our offices.
Dan Roberts
droberts -at- isogon -dot- com
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sbuttice -at- TRANSPORT -dot- BOMBARDIER -dot- COM
> HR is worried
> about security, we deal with billion dollar contracts and
> they are always afraid
> of information being leaked. I'm too polite to say what I
> think of this excuse,
> we believe the real reason is a Big Brother issue.
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