Re: lurkers and lurking

Subject: Re: lurkers and lurking
From: Jeroen Ruigrok/asmodai <asmodai -at- wxs -dot- nl>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- raycomm -dot- com>
Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 20:16:07 +0200

-On [20020422 01:00], ASUE Tekwrytr (tekwrytr -at- hotmail -dot- com) wrote:
>Of the thousands of university students, both undergraduate and graduate, a
>large chunk are lurkers, here or on the STC boards. Why don't they
>contribute more? For the exact same reason they all fill in "it was
>flippin' wonderful" when asked--every semester in every class--to comment
>on the class and instructor. Because every good student knows that every
>good instructor keeps track of who says what, and those "evaluation
>comments" can come back to haunt you.

``The mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher explains, the superior
teacher demonstrates, the great teacher inspires...''

>Consider--if I rudely shoot down a poster for something I consider utter
>drivel, then find out later that the poster is the hiring manager at the
>firm at which I am seeking employment, has my freedom to post my real
>opinions benefitted me?

Correcting someone can easily be done without being rude or aggressive.
If in doubt, read some books on Zen Buddhism, Tao or Tibetan Buddhism to
regain some insight in how to help with a smile.
It shows you are more than just a petty rules lawyer, and you might even
fall in one of the latter categories of teachers mentioned above.
And will leave a positive impression with your potential hiring manager,
without damaging your real opinions.

>Sure, we lurk. We are trying to learn, because to a great extent, we are
>the tech writers of the future. We are the ones with whom you will be
>competing, not just for new positions, but for the positions you already
>hold--and we are better trained, better educated, and better motivated than
>many of the current group of tech writers who seem to have gained
>employment in (what used to be)a high-demand employment field.

This is a very American mindset, if you pardon me. You can easily gain
employment and excel without competing. Ones learn most from those who one
works with, no opposes by competing.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven / asmodai / Kita no Mono
asmodai -at- [wxs -dot- nl|], finger asmodai -at- ninth-circle -dot- org | http://www.[tendra|xmach].org/
Account ye no man happy till he die...

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lurkers and lurking: From: ASUE Tekwrytr

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