Shorthand...sort of

Subject: Shorthand...sort of
From: Jim Barrow <vrfour -at- earthlink -dot- net>
To: "TECHWR-L" <techwr-l -at- lists -dot- techwr-l -dot- com>
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2004 11:15:01 -0700 (PDT)

When I was working for a hospital I had to review samples of nurse's notes in charts (minus any patient information.) I noticed that these nurses used a system of letters and symbols to represent words. The only one that I remember, and still use, is the letter that signified "with". It was a "c" with a dash over the top. I believe that "without" was an "s" or a "p" with a dash across he top, but don't quote me on that. I also seem to remember a triangle (delta) signifying "change"

Does anyone know where I can find a list of these letters and symbols?




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