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Subject:Re[2]: Cubicle Sweet Cubicle (was: Workplace Discrimination) From:FB -at- POINTDUBLIN -dot- CCMAIL -dot- COMPUSERVE -dot- COM Date:Thu, 28 Mar 1996 04:34:29 EST
ummm..John...can I come and work with you?
Fionnuala Broughan
fb -at- pointdublin -dot- ccmail -dot- compuserve -dot- com
writing from a VERY OPEN open-plan office, where Development, QA, and Pubs
all work and swear and sweat and laugh and shout and <whatever> together...
some days it seems like a good idea, some days it's living hell.
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Cubicle Sweet Cubicle (was: Workplace Discrimination)
Author: INTERNET:jposada -at- notes -dot- cc -dot- bellcore -dot- com at CSERVE
Date: 27y03y96 16:33
You guys have described the office where I work...
One "roomie"
A 133 pentium with "lots" of toys on it.
A coffee pot across the hall
A CD player in my office
Several plants
My Dilbert and Ratbert stuffed animals
A door
A window
A boss on a 3 week vacation
A job a really like
A pay scale more than I even think I'm worth (and I think I'm hot-shit)
Life is good
John Posada
Technical Writer
Bell Communications Research, Piscataway, NJ
(908) 699-5839 (W)
jposada -at- notes -dot- cc -dot- bellcore -dot- com (W)
I don't speak for my employer and they return the favor