Re: Dr. Diet Mountain Dew

Subject: Re: Dr. Diet Mountain Dew
From: "Comeau, Lisa" <Lisa -dot- Comeau -at- MOH -dot- GOV -dot- ON -dot- CA>
Date: Wed, 19 May 1999 12:02:06 -0400

Jon said
"to change the registration, open regedit and go to the following key:

change the "RegisteredOrganisation" and "RegisteredOwner" values to
whatever you like. This will solve the problem.

Let me just add 2 things:
1) make sure you save the current registry info first (in case you
accidentally mess up while you're in there)
2) be extremely careful - and if you've never edited the registry before,
find someone in the IT department to take care of it for you, as the
registry can be touchy, and you can do mor4e harm than good.

Lisa Comeau
Accounts Representative, Client Services Group
Y2K/Exchange Project, Ontario Ministry of Health
Office: (416) 327 1112
Pager: (416) 715 9198
mailto: Lisa -dot- Comeau -at- moh -dot- gov -dot- on -dot- ca

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